Thursday, June 13, 2019

At Table Green 235 in the Pavilion Room.

First hand 99 in Seat 7.  Middle pair - okay starting hand so I call 100.  But the dealer raises to 600, so I fold.  Turns out to be the right decision when an ace hits the board.

On the next hand, dealer warns me about texting during a hand.  Guy to my left says, “Does that rule apply to cops?”  I think he is referring to me in my suit.  Hmmpf.

A couple of hands later, he raises my big blind.  I have A3, think about calling, then think better of it.  Too early to be playful.

On my button, dealer accidentally flips my first card over.  Of course, it’s an ace and now it’s dead.  Funny part - the cards I end up with - 57 - would have been a straight, if I had played them.  But I didn’t, do an ace high hand won.

The guy to my left is playing pretty aggressively, and winning.  So frustrating.  He has had AA and AK in consecutive hands.  This reminds me that, playing 9 handed, there are always big hands somewhere at the table.

Enough for now - will write again shortly.

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