Friday, June 14, 2019

Day 2 - up at 8:00 (10:00 CST).  For all the stress of yesterday - long workout, 13 hours of poker, three Cosmos, poor diet - I felt pretty good.  I had a pancake and a Diet Coke for breakfast.  That’s what passes for comfort food for me at this place.

Going into this morning, I am 26th overall in chip count out of 5917 total entrants.  The plan is to take advantage of small stacks, and avoid large stacks like the plague.

Okay, my seat is at White 111.  I am the chip leader here, but there are some large stacks.  Players seem nice.  The guy to my right asks me, not unkindly, if I’m going to a funeral.  He’s got a small stack, and I get the sense that he is trying to curry favor with me.  It won’t work - I am Shiva the Destroyer this week.


It’s been almost two hours and I keep getting great hands.  I am now at 300K, and have knocked out four players.  I’ve had KK three times, AK twice, and JJ once.  Here’s what a big stack looks like...

I have not made a mistake this morning.  I am Shiva the Destroyer.  Godzilla laying waste to Tokyo.  Beware the Giant Stack!

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