Thursday, June 13, 2019

Woo hoo!  I’m up for the tournament - 20,300.  My first mega-hand - KK - and a guy raised 600 into me.  I called, and two other callers do as well.  The flop is all undercards, but two diamonds, so I bet 1000.  One caller stays with me.  The next card is a diamond.  I can’t bet into the other guy’s potential flush, so I check.  The last card is a blank, so I bet 1500.  The guy folds.


At the break, I bought my first food of the day - a bag of fruit and nut trail mix.  My friends are kind of aghast that I’m not eating, especially after a 90 minute workout this morning, but it’s not unusual for me.  I used to try cases on an empty stomach because I believed that digestion slowed my brain.  Of course, I know this is totally idiotic - I would lose my steam at around 2:00 and have to binge some M&Ms to get my blood sugar back up, but today, I haven’t made a bad decision yet.  Some plays were sub-optimal, but not bad.  I’d tell you if I did.


Two BIG hands - a straight and AK both get me paid off.  I probably could have gotten more from the straight, but not looking back.

30,600!  Woo hoo!

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